sábado, 22 de noviembre de 2014

Decorating Small Spaces

Decorating a small space has it’s own set of challenges.

When we think of beautiful homes, sprawling mansions and unattainable estates. But the truth is that a beautiful home is what you make of the space you do have. Instead of trying to cram a lot of big pieces and crazy patterns into a small apartment, using simple designs and neutral colors, with plenty of shelving and storage, can make even a studio apartment feel like your own private castle.Enjoy and get inspired!

jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2014

VEMOSARTE: Athlete's Plane

VEMOSARTE: Athlete's Plane: Athlete's Plane This new concept definitely beats that! Nike and Seattle-based design firm Teague have teamed up to create a plane spe...

Athlete's Plane

Athlete's Plane

This new concept definitely beats that! Nike and Seattle-based design firm Teague have teamed up to create a plane specifically for athletes.In a proposal titled “Home Advantage at 40,000 Feet,” Nike and Teague unveiled plans for a high-tech plane specifically equipped to reduce the negative physical effects of flying for elite athletes. 
The plane includes: data centers that analyze each athlete’s physiological state; a snack bar; a massage area; individual chambers where athletes can undergo cold and compression treatments; and even lie-flat seats that can accommodate athletes up to 7 feet tall. https://www.facebook.com/pages/VEMOSARTE/226614980736691

lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2014

Espere muy pronto VemosArte en la Nueva Revista GALA RD

 Espere muy pronto VemosArte en la Nueva Revista GALA RD

Exposición “Dreams and Memories” del pintor Dominicano Juan Carlos Reyes